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  • Contact: Charles Park
  • Community Administrator/Owner
  • Phone Number: 831-245-5188
  • Contact: Mae Park
  • Managing Director/CFO
  • Phone Number: 831-245-5187

Our team works hard to improve the services we offer, and our clients’ testimonials & letter of appreciations are proof that our hard work paid off. Read about our clients’ experiences in working closely with us.

19 Responses to Testimonials/Letter of Appreciation

  1. Melisa.

    Ruth came to WP in March 2004. She was a strong-willed and independent woman who was used to living on her own. Ruth was not thrilled about becoming dependent on the facility for her everyday needs. It was a difficult transition, but the amazing staff never gave up on winning Ruth over!

    They visited frequently, and everyone made me feel welcome. I saw how much genuine love and support were offered to Ruth as her health declined. I was given many updates and felt supported throughout the process.

    “The Other Side,” “Heaven,” “Spirit World”—whatever you may believe, the beautiful soul of Ruth never left her side. I personally believe she is in heaven, reunited with her beloved husband, Joe.

    The entire team at WP will forever hold a special place in my heart.

    A heartfelt thank you to Chauds, Mae, Doven, Maua, Aurora, Irene, Maria, Nancy, and Mule. My apologies if I missed anyone—I truly appreciate all of you for keeping Ruth in your care.

    With much love and respect.

  2. Leah

    I came to whispering Pines to visit a lifelong friend of mine and to my surprise they gave me a room so I could visit for a couple of days. Not only that but they fed me and took care of me like family. The help there is very giving and helpful. My friend is very happy there and has everything she needs. The facility is very clean and taken care of. Thank you again, Leah

  3. Victoria

    We are very grateful for the loving care provided to our aunt during her time at Whispering Pines. The staff is genuine in their care and we appreciate all of the attention given to our aunt with special needs. Charles and Mae as owners of the facility are very present and involved. we have always felt welcomed to visit anytime. The environment is warm and homey, they take special care to make all of their residents feel cared for and I have personally witnessed many moments where the staff has handled challenging situations with patience and grace. All of the caregivers I have interacted with have been so respectful and attentive to our needs.

    Erminia was very blessed to spend 3 wonderful years at Whispering Pines.

    We are forever grateful to everyone at Whispering Pines for every moment they extended their love and kindness to our aunt.

  4. Steve

    Whispering Pines is local and a very Commitment peace for Amar in San- Benito county.
    Once again, That- you for taking care of my mom

  5. James

    I would like to thank Charles and Mr. Devon and the entire STAFF At Whispering Pimes FNN. They took great care of my sister for just over two years.
    The STAFF was helpful and caring and very much appreciated.
    All the best!

  6. Heather & Chela

    Very grateful for you two for so many reasons. Very thankful for the people you are and the caring you have in your hearts not only for my aunt but for all the residents. Have a very blessed holiday and an incredible New year lots of love

  7. Carol

    We are very thankful to Whispering Pines and all of the involved staff for their care and compassionate environment for my husband. Deven was wonderful for assisting with doctor visits and hospital emergencies. He always kept me up to date on my husband’s needs Charles is always easy to talk to, available, and very fair in our transactions.

  8. Nancy

    and the family So heartfelt with lots of tears When Carol passed away.

    I highly recommend Whispering Pines to anyone that comes to the point where their loved ones need assisted living. Even residents that don’t have many visitors will receive lots of love and attention from the staff.

    Thank You to Mr Mrs Parks, Devin, and all the Staff for all the love & care you provided to Carol.

  9. Nancy

    My mother-in-law became a resident at Whispering Dines almost 3 years ago. She had developed severe cognitive impairments and oppke very little and eventually had no communication skills. The staff helped her acclimate to her new home and throughout her stay. She was always well taken care of- they fixed her hair, scheduled mani-pedis- a made sure she looked a felt good every day.

    She ended up in hospice care at the end. She became bedridden & had to be fed all her meals or bathed by all the wondered aides. they were so sweet to her & talked to her with such dignity, respect love. I personally witnessed how they cared for her she was their family member.

    We were blessed to have Card staying at Whispering Pines. with all the lour and compassion of Mr. Mrs Parks, Devin all all the staff showed to her
    Continued to Page 2

  10. Alice

    Thank you all so much for the care and kindness you gave to my mom. You are all such caring people.

  11. Christien

    Dear Charles,

    Thank you so much for your kindness and hospitality while my mom was at Whispering Pines, although it was only 54 days, I feel like we were part of the family, which I will always hold dear to my heart. We appreciate your kindness and generosity

  12. Steve

    We were glad to find Whispers Pines for My mother cow. The faculty was clean, rent and the own, Charlee Pack and Mal Pach was very min and kind Reph. The car is grim also were very Professional and Carving Unfortunately today, and after being there two weeks, my mother gut very dull from an ulcer and placed away a few days lath at the Hospital, the time she was there, she seemed to enjoy very much. Jam is sad that She does not get to stay with them forever, I recommend Whispering Pine to any who are looking for 4 love to a shed one

  13. Charcey & Aaron (Catherines kids)

    Whispering Pines & Care must Thank You!

    We want to express how grateful we are knowing our Mom is being so well looked after. Caring for the elderly is work that takes compassion and we appreciate you all for showing that to our Mom

  14. Karisa

    Thank you for taking care of my great grandma Thelma!

  15. Mrs. Betty

    Just a not to convey my thanks to you and the Whispering Pines Inn staff, for the comforting care and respect shown to my husband, Dick. I personally appreciated that all the family present on Dec. 23 were able to share in his “home-going”. We will be having a family-only grave site service for home at the Hollister cemetery on Jan 15.

  16. Macfailone and family

    Dear Charles, Mae and Whispering Pines Staff,

    Thank you so much for the great care you provided my mom Helen over the last serveral years. Our family is so grateful to you all! It gave us all peace of mind knowing she was safe and well cared for.

  17. John and Diana

    Dear Charles, Mae, Devin and your entire staff,

    After three years of working with you all, it is hard to put into words our feelings of gratitude to you and your Care-Givers for all you have done for my Mom, Eve, Diana and myself.

    During times of celebration and challenge alike, your understanding, caring, and advice have shown me that yours is a special calling to serve God by serving others.

    As I’ve said to some of you privately, there is a special place in Heaven that the Lord has set aside for wonderful and dedicated people such as you; sometimes under trying conditions too.

    Diana and I will never forget your kindness on so many occasions. We pray for your continued success and good works.

    With deepest gratitude and love,
    Until we see you again next time!

  18. Maria

    Always and still is a very classy place.

  19. Edgardo

    What a great place for Elderly.

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